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Director Gon Khang (gkhang@khu.ac.kr)
Research Overview The primary research objective in the rehabilitation engineering laboratory (REL) is to recover mobility to physically handicapped people. Emphasis is given to two topics: (1) functional electrical stimulation (FES) and (2) customized environment design. A generic transcutaneous FES system was developed and applied to many different clinical experiments: electrical exercise for paralyzed muscles, paraplegic/hemiplegic standing/walking, quadriplegic hand grasp, etc. Also, basic research is performed in the area of electrophysiology, e.g., electrical characteristics of living tissues including the skin and the muscles. REL recently started to investigate how to provide physically handicapped people with the residential or office environment that is optimal to each user and his/her family or office mates. This research was motivated by the fact that every disability is different from individual to individual, and, therefore, each disabled person needs his/her own environment.
Homepage http://www.gon-khang.com/
Director Soo Yeol Lee (sylee01@khu.ac.kr) and Min Hyoung Cho (mhcho@khu.ac.kr)
Research Overview Our major research interests are functional MRI, molecular and cellular MRI, bio micro-CT, and medical image processing techniques. Combining fMRI and EEG, we try to enhance spatiotemporal resolution of functional brain imaging. To combine fMRI and EEG, we have to tackle many technical barriers including noise removal from EEG signals acquired inside MRI, fMRI-constrained EEG source localization and co-registration between fMRI and EEG. To verify efficacy of stem cell therapy, we have been developing stem cell tracking techniques using MRI. Labeling stem cells with SPIO nano-particles, we try to observe migration of the injected stem cells inside living animals. We have developed a micro-CT using a micro-focus x-ray tube and a flat-panel x-ray detector. The micro-CT has the unique zoom-in imaging feature with which high resolution imaging of a small organ inside a living animal can be performed. With the zoom-in micro-CT, we have been investigating osteoporosis developments in the living animal models.
Homepage http://misl.khu.ac.kr/
Director Seung-Moo Han (smhan@khu.ac.kr)
Research Overview The research of the Biomechanical Engineering Lab is mainly directed at the mechanical engineering aspects related to the treatment of impairments of the musculo-skeletal system. This includes both biomechanical analysis and modeling as well as the design and development of constructions to replace, support or correct the skeletal system. From a medical point of view the research topics are related to the areas orthopedics and rehabilitation. The basic research question is to gain insight into the coordination and control of human movement. The results are applied in the development of mobility aids with improved controllability, stability and energy. Recent developments also include the ultrasound bone densitometer, growth-plate imaging system and non-invasive bio-injector.
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Director Tae-Seong Kim (tskim@khu.ac.kr)
Research Overview Bioimaging research topics include human motion/activity recognition, user interface, and life logging techniques using multi-modal sensors such as depth imaging and motion IMU sensors for smart environments or homes. Brain Engineering research topics include neuroimaging, neural signal/image processing, pattern recognition, brain computer interface for neural engineering applications.
Homepage http://web.khu.ac.kr/~tskim/
Director Kyung-Mo Park (saenim@khu.ac.kr)
Research Overview Our current research interests in a broad sense are (1) to understand the neural mechanism of physiological mind, psychological body, and therapeutic effect of integrative medical interventions including acupuncture using neuroimaging and (2) to find underlying clinical logic of traditional medicine and construct a comprehensive physiological model based on creative evidences. While we are performing neuroimaging experiments with various clinical diseases including low back pain, facial palsy, and functional dyspepsia etc, our main focus is beyond development of intervention. We are testing our new perspective of mind, body, and self-regulation with physiological measures, real-time fMRI, and new experimental ideas. Also we are trying to exploring non-chemical, psychological, or self-interventions on physiological states.
Homepage http://keom.khu.ac.kr/keomwiki/moin.cgi/
Director Kyung Min Byun (kmbyun@khu.ac.kr)
Research Overview Our research group is interested in exploiting the unique optical properties of nanoscale plasmonic materials and structures to develop novel integrated systems for various applications including biosensing, biodiagnostics, bioimaging, and neural engineering. To undertake this objective we rely on a highly interdisciplinary team that works at the interface of optics, nanoengineering, and bioengineering. We are actively involved in all aspects of the manufacturing process of new devices, fabrication/integration and characterization. Currently we have projects involving nanostructured plasmonic biosensor, nanoscopic plasmonic imaging, and optical nerve stimulation.
Homepage http://bplab.khu.ac.kr/
Director Sung Young Choi (s.choi@khu.ac.kr)
Research Overview The NanoBioEngineering Research Laboratory focuses on the development of innovative bioengineering tools and unique fluidic principles for applications in cell-based therapeutics, point-of-care diagnostics, fundamental biology, and cell mechanics.
Homepage https://sites.google.com/site/choilaboratory/